Alcohol promoting drug czar strikes again

just say yes to saying no

Steve Lukan apprehended by the Muscatine Journal

Iowa Drug Czar Steve Lukan (one joint of marijuana is equal to drinking a keg of beer – Legal drug industry wants you dead) is at it again, this time with the help of Muscatine County Attorney Allen Ostergren.



Ostergren told the Muscatine Journal, “I may go home tonight and have a glass of bourbon,” Ostergren said. “I’m not going to get drunk. Plenty of people use alcohol responsibly. The whole point of marijuana and other drugs is to get impaired.”



Rep. Mark Lofgren, R-Muscatine, invited Steve Lukan, director of the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy, and Peter Komendowski, president of the group, as well as local law enforcement officials and Muscatine County Attorney Alan Ostergren to a community discussion on the direction of drug policy in Iowa.

According to the Muscatine Journal, “The speakers may have outnumbered the audience  of three, but the group still stayed on task and promoted their message.”

Kudos to the citizens of Muscatine for having the wisdom to stay away from these proponents of misinformation.