Ganja Law 101 Episode 3

More from the International Narcotics Control Board on treaty compliance, the federal courts on religious exemptions for controlled substances, and Iowa wants to add raw cannabis to its medical program.
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Both provisions contain safeguard clauses which make reference to States parties’ domestic constitution and legislation.
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Even if a party, in application of a safeguard clause, is precluded by its Constitution from the obligation to carry out measures under article 36, paragraph 1 or 2, of the 1961 Convention as amended or article 3, paragraph 2, of the 1988 Convention
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plaintiff had not “sought relief in the courts” or “received the exemption to the CSA” from the DEA
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the CSA authorizes the Attorney General to create exemptions from the prohibitions on handling controlled substances, see 21 U.S.C. § 822(d), and individuals seeking a CSA exemption must file a written request to the DEA Administrator to obtain that exemption, as plaintiff has done here.  See 21 C.F.R. § 1307.03
House Study Bill 239, March 31, 2023
House Study Bill 242, March 31, 2023
Senate Study Bill 1113, January 31, 2023
Video Recording, February 27, 2023
Vaporized Cannabis Petition, February 27, 2023
Des Moines man’s 45–year fight over drug laws takes a new turn, February 22, 2023, Capital Dispatch, Des Moines, Iowa